Erwan Darves
Erwan Darves

Hi! I'm Erwan Darves

I'm a software engineer specialized in Frontend Web developement.

I live in France, where I work as a Software architect for Bouygues Telecom(opens a new window).

My main technology is React.js, and I've been working with it for 3 years now.


Here are some of the technologies and tools I use in my projects:

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • React.js

  • Node.js

  • Webpack


  • TailwindCSS

  • Next.js

Work Experience

  • Software Architect at Bouygues Telecom

    Challenged and improved the technical stack of the site's search engine .

    Became the lead developer on the search engine.

    Deployed the company's first Micro-Frontend application in production.

    Assisted in the implementation of the Micro-Frontend architecture on the site.

  • Software Engineer at Bouygues Telecom

    Helped in the design and development of a software and technical architecture based on Kubernetes and Micro-Frontends.

    Implemented a Server-Side Rendering solution in a Micro-Frontend context.

    Developed a React Micro-Frontend application generator similar to Create React App.

  • Frontend Web Developper at Bouygues Telecom

    Created and designed an Angular / Typescript internal Web application, for BPMN modeling, with authentification and roles.

  • CMS Developper at Netrock

    Designed and built an E-Commerce Website using Wordpress and Woo Commerce.


  • EPITA (Master)

    Web Development, 1-year projects (FullStack entrepreneurial project, FullStack Web Application for a company)

    Algorithms (Graph, Linked list, Binary tree)

    C / C++ projects (Recreating standard C library, compiler, interpreter, HTTP server)


You can contact me by email(opens a new window). You can also check out my social media presence following the links below.